If you are like most of us, you probably feel that this Winter has been unusually tough! Lots of cold, snow, ice, and polar vortex assaults. But we here at ARC can assure you that Spring is just around the corner, in fact, Memorial Day, the official Summer kick-off weekend is just about 90 days away.
This is a great time of year to think about planning for your splash pad opening. Our past experiences has taught us that Memorial Day is the biggest weekend for opening up your facility to the public.
Unfortunately, many facilities wait until the last minute to get everything ready for another busy Summer season. This can end up being a real problem if you wait too long.
And this is where ARC can help you out!
You can be a HERO by getting an early start on planning for the upcoming Summer season!
Is it time to change out an older product for something colorful and new? Are some of your products showing their age and need to be refreshed with a newer, exciting structure? If so, we can help you right now! Simply contact one of our qualified ARChitects and we can hep you start thinking about the many product options we have available in ultra low, low and high flow nozzles choices! Fiberglass or stainless steel? We have you covered.
A splash pad by ARC in Princeton MN has gotten quite a few new products since it first opened in 2002. They are able to interchange their old products and new products with ARC’s interchangeable mounting design. You will see in the pictures below just some of the products that they have acquired over the years.
We are fully stocked with new play structures to give your Splash Pad a new look or feel-and just in time for your Memorial Day opening!
And don’t forget about your mechanical operating system! It could probably stand some general preventive maintenance to assure you do not experience any downtime when the temperatures climb and the kids are looking to cool off!
Remember that leaky solenoid valve, the pump that needs a new seal, the flow meter that needs replacing-we have a warehouse full of exactly the types of products you need to get your system back up and running for the upcoming season.
Remember, The Fun is in The Water, and ARC provides you with the help you need to make your facility fun and trouble free!
Let us know what you think! Email us at aquatix.playlsi.com