SplashPack Dolphin
Product Overview
Every kid wants to make friends with a dolphin. The SplashPack Dolphin sprays a misting water effect from its blow hole. Plus, there?s a triple arch jet that comes from its mouth. Painted a single color for a stunningly sophisticated aesthetic.The SplashPack Dolphin promotes streaming and manipulative tactile experiences.

Product Specs
Material OptionsFiberglass
Dimensions3' 2" X 3' 4" X 4' 0" (0,97 m X 1,04 m X 1,22 m )
Splash Zone8' X 15' (2,44 m X 4,57 m)
Standard Flow Rate10 GPM37,85 LPM
Product Options & Colors
Create a unique and age appropriate aqua play environment. We have lots of product options and colors to choose from:

Developmental Benefits
- Auditory
- Proprioception
- Tactile
- Visual
Motor Skills
- Coordination
- Eye-hand Coordination
- Fine Motor
- Motor Planning
Cognitive Skills
- Problem Solving
Social/Emotional Skills
- Cooperation
- Imaginative Play
- Social Skill Development