Product Overview
This 17-foot structure slowly builds anticipation along with a whole lot of water. Once the large, funnel-shaped bucket is full, a generous flood whooshes out the bottom, splashes off the platform roofs in three different directions onto users below. Random and unexpected fun, the best kind.The FlashFlood promotes streaming and interactive tactile experiences.

Product Specs
Material OptionsStainless Steel
Dimensions17'0" X 7'2" X 6' 7" (5,18 m X 2,19 m X 2,04 m)
Splash Zone30' 0" Dia. (9,14 m Dia.)
Standard Flow Rate20 to 40 GPM75,71 to 151,42 LPM
Product Options & Colors
Create a unique and age appropriate aqua play environment. We have lots of product options and colors to choose from:

Developmental Benefits
- Auditory
- Proprioception
- Tactile
- Visual
Motor Skills
- Coordination
- Core Body Strength
- Lower Body Strength
- Motor Planning
- Upper Body Strength
Cognitive Skills
- Problem Solving
- Strategic Planning
Social/Emotional Skills
- Cooperation
- Imaginative Play
- Social Skill Development
Product Video
* Aquatix products shown in video are not appropriate for every age group. Product configurations may vary.