Chisholm Kiwanis Splash Pad
Project Overview
As the proud winner of the Kiwanis Legacy of Play H2O Contest in 2022, Chisholm set out to elevate Memorial Park with the exciting addition of the Chisholm Kiwanis Splash Pad. This new attraction features two HydroLogix® systems, doubling the fun and offering eco-friendly water play without the need for power. Kids and families enjoy imaginative and interactive water features like the AquaBud with Acrylic, AquaFlier, BloomBurst Set, FloraSpout, FloraSwirl and WellSpring with Acrylic. A variety of ground sprays like the Jr. Water Jewel, Stream Jet Triangle, Triple Arch Jet and Triple Mist Nozzle add to the splishy-splashy fun. This addition not only provides a fun, safe space for kids to play but also encourages visitors from surrounding communities to experience the charm and hospitality of Chisholm.