Pavilion Park
Project Overview
This star-studded splash pad at Pavilion Park in Star, Idaho is bursting with water fun and hometown pride. A giant custom FlashFlood, emblazoned with “City of Star, Est. 1997,” randomly dumps buckets of water onto eager visitors below, acting as both a thrilling water feature and a local landmark. Nature-themed water elements bring imaginations to life, like the tall, butterfly-shaped AquaFlier, the flower-shaped FloraSpout, and the soaring DragonFlier. Friendly creatures like the SplashPack Frog and the TotPack Ladybug act as playmates for little ones, while geometric features like the AquaHedra® and Tot Arch spray from above, below, and all around. Ground sprays and interactive features round out the spectrum of water play offerings at this dynamic spray park, and SkyWays® shade provides extra protection from the sun’s heat.

* Aquatix products shown in video are not appropriate for every age group. Product configurations may vary.